Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Healthcare & Hygiene

Healthcare & Hygiene

The volunteers always take the lead in promoting awareness about health, hygiene, and the ban of plastic in slums (Kachhi Bastis), swachta abhyan, the construction of toilets in slums and government schools, and the provision of clean drinking water in government schools.

Reducing child mortality rate and increasing maternal health

The volunteers of Vedic Sanskriti Educational and Charitable Society have been actively working in the area of empowering maternal health and decreasing the number of infant mortality rate by keeping the health of female hygienic as It is crucial to preserve the lives of the hundreds of thousands of women who die each year as a result of complications from pregnancy and delivery. Over 90% of these deaths might be avoided if women in impoverished countries had access to adequate nutrition, basic literacy, and health services, as well as clean water and sanitation during pregnancy and delivery.